Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Mom and Dad Visit!!

My mom and dad came down to Cholula to visit me for a week! I was really excited to see them and thankful that they added me on to their many places to visit during their annual summer trip across the US. And this summer, they were able to travel a bit more south than L.A. and we had a great time. I loved being able to try out different restaurants, go to Oaxaca (again!! I love that place), and share time with my parents around Cholula, my home for almost a year now. So of course I had to take my parents up on top of the Great Pyramid of Cholula and show them the surrounding valley (and La Iglesia de la Senora de los Remedios on top of the pyramid). I promised my dad that I would add a picture of Popocatepetl (aka Don Gregorio) so here is a shot of that active volcano. We had a great time in Oaxaca, going to Monte Alban and Mitla, two of the many sites in and around Oaxaca. I loved seeing my parents and the time just came and went way too fast. It was the highlight of my summer so far and I love my parents so much and would not be having this entire experience without their love and support. Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful and full week here in Cholula!

So here are some pics of Mitla, originally a Zapotec site in the state of Oaxaca. The name Mitla is a corruption of the Nahuatl 'mictlan' or "place of the dead" and the Zapotec name has a similar meaning. The site of Mitla was used by the kings of Zaachila (which was the seat of the valley's most prestigious lineage) as a place to consult the highest Zapotec priest, resolve disputes among nobles, and as a burial ground. This first picture is of the Group of the Columns and the second is of one of the tombs. Among the Zapotecas and the Mixtecas, the dead were a part of the family, housed in tombs underneath the house. Mitla contains a set of five elite residential compounds which were first established in the Classic Period (250ce-800ce). Aren't my models so adorable together?

Here are a few more images from around Mitla. The intricate designs called "grecas" are truly amazing and extremely interesting. I was really excited that my mom and dad were so willing to go with me to this site. I've been to Oaxaca a couple of times before but never made it to Mitla. Thankfully, the thick clouds that hung over our heads did not release any rain. It is a very interesting site and I am so happy that I was able to visit another ancient site (and this time with my parents!).


The Pierce Family said...

I'm so glad that Mom and Dad got to visit you. I know that they had a fabulous time and of course it just makes me more jealous that I couldn't tag along as well. Miss ya, Bry! Hey, you haven't tried our phone thing yet. Give me a call soon.