Saturday, August 9, 2008

I am so happy to be here in Mexico. The sky ceases to amaze me because it appears to be larger than any sky I have ever witnessed. This may not be the best picture of the heavens but I believe it to be at least a good one. I also wanted to show the house that I am living in. It's very cute and comfortable. My buddy Rocky (the dog) and I are becoming friends. Also I had to include a picture of the church (Nuestra Senora de Los Remedios) that the Spaniards built on top of the pyramid with the largest base in the world. The pyramid was built in four stages and was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl. Cholula was the second largest city in pre-colombian times (only the capital city of the Mexica, Tenochtitlan, was larger). Cholula was also the religious center of the Aztecs (a triple alliance between the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, the Acolhua of Texcoco and the Chalca of Chaco). From my window (I had to zoom just a little bit) one can see this magnificent church which symbolizes conquest and the domination of the Catholic Church here in Mexico.


The Pierce Family said...

Bryan, you are quite the photographer. I love the pictures...the church is beautiful and so is the sky. Oh, I wish I could come visit.

Mosley Family said...

What's up, Bryan??? Mexico...that's sound like fun. I hope you are having a good time. I found your blog from Katie O.'s blog while I was blog stalking...hope you don't mind! Take care,
Nikki (DiPadova)

tricia said...

bry! i am so glad that you are here in blogland. can't wait for more posts about your adventure.