Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A visit to Utah

My visit to Utah in early May finally arrived (it just came and went!). I had planned on going to Utah even before winter break in December because I hadn't seen Tricia in such a long time and because I wanted to spend time with Kelly as well. Jared, Kelly, Aveleen and Izzy were such wonderful hosts and hostesses. Kelly and Jared introduced me to Cafe Rio, we saw "The Avengers," Kelly, Aveleen and I went to the Natural History Museum in Salt Lake City (because I wanted to visit the fifth floor which is dedicated entirely to Native Voices), we played games and read stories, and did so much more! I was able to visit with my good friend Joe Pierce, and I also spent time with my friends Tricia and Margaret. Kelly and I went up to Hyrum and visited Archie and Janel, which was definitely one of the highlights of my trip. Now that I'm writing this, I'm surprised by all of the things I was able to do in just six days! I loved spending time with lil' Eva; she loves to sing, dance, and play (a good example to us all!). And boy can she talk! I truly enjoyed spending time with her. And thanks to Kelly and Jared for having me stay with them; they are, indeed, the consummate hosts. Thanks for the memories, my sweet Utah family and friends!

One of the highlights of my trip was spending an afternoon at the Masons' beautiful home. Tricia and I had not seen each other in eight years! How the time just flies by! I truly treasure the time we spent together that afternoon; I finally got to meet Tricia's last three kids. The Mason kids are so creative, well-behaved, funny, entertaining, energetic, adorable, and loving. I am such a lucky uncle! Tricia and Mark were wonderful hosts and it was wonderful seeing them. We had a great time playing dominoes with almost the entire family! What a special occasion it was to hang out, joke around, and just enjoy each other's company. My thanks go to the Masons for having me!! (And nice right hook, Kell!)

And how could I have forgotten about the glorious mountains of Utah? The landscape is truly breathtaking out west. These few images may not do justice to Utah's beauty, but I didn't even think about taking pictures of the mountains until Kelly was driving me to the airport when I was on my way out of Utah! Oh well. I often think about those naturally sculpted leviathans, their majestic presence seemingly boundless and omnipresent. I miss seeing the mountains!!


The Pierce Family said...

I don't know why I didn't comment on this post when I saw it before. We are heading out there this week so I'll have similar pictures to post real soon. Love ya and miss ya!